
A Work in Progress

I've decided to do a big project of photos taken on my iPhone...all printed at the same size as they appear on the phone, which is probably 2x4.5...roughly. At that size, it's harder to figure out what is happening or what the photograph is of which I like. I think it'll be pretty neat but will take a while to stockpile enough photos.
Here are a few of my favourites so far. I'm not exactly concerned with "focus" or "blur" as I tend to like what it can add to some shots. And it's a focus and blur are not always easily controlled. None of them will be edited whatsoever and they will most likely all be vertical. Maybe I'll do a second one with all horizontals at some point.
Stay tuned.


Today in the Little Gallery

The Art Building's Little Gallery has a great new exhibit this week. Forgive me, I lost the piece of paper I wrote everything down on so I will get more info later today and update this.
The artist is an MFA at the U of C and has put together a sound sculpture, if you will, and encourages viewer participation...which I'm into!
Again, I'll get all the info later this afternoon.
For now, here is a video of the exhibit in two both!

Last Week in Art Class....

First Sculpture project done.
Our assignment was to cast a big chunk of plaster and then chip and chisel and sand away at it to create essentially whatever we want.
Mine started out as something and ended up as something completely different. My initial idea was to create a pseudo-mushroom cloud type thing but as I started putting holes in it I realized it was looking like a dinosaur egg...back to the drawing board.
I had a different idea and wanted to go with it but since it already had two holes in it I had to work around that and knew it would end up one of my teachers put it.
I like the way it turned out although I do have some work left to do with it before I'm totally happy with it.

Stay tuned for the completed project.

Coming up in the next week or two...
Next printing project...don't ask me what it is instructor isn't too clear...
Sketches and the beginning stages of the next one, two or three sculpture projects. Included: sculpture that can be used as furniture! bookmarks are getting full of things I've found on the internet and am in love with so I'll get through posting those over the next little bit.