
New Steadman!

Lacrosse Ballet


Local Spotlight

My friend Anna and I went to Market Collective 5 here in Calgary a couple weekends ago and had the pleasure of seeing local artist Markus Michel.
His work is absolutely amazing and I came across this video of one of his books. The video doesn't do it justice but these books are huge, hundreds and hundreds of pages, and this particular one took 22 months to complete. The majority of the pages are delicately cut so that each page interacts and relates with the next. The colours he uses are so bright and vivid and his subjects range from octopuses to buildings to his own cat. Some of it is funny and all of it is totally breathtaking.
The video is 6 minutes long and worth every second.
Beautiful, beautiful work.
Enjoy! And go to the next Market Collective and see it for yourself!


Movie Madness, Take Two!

Get it? I made a joke...referencing film making?
Anyway, here again are some wonderful trailers of upcoming movies that look simply wonderful. I hope you enjoy them. (NOTE: For some unknown reason, these damn trailers are showing up with a quarter cut off on my computer. If the same goes for yours...take the time to go to youtube and watch them because they really do look great.)

Paper Heart starring Charlyne Li and Michael Cera. I can pretty much say this will be one of my favourite movies of the entire year. Makes me feel all warm even though there's snow on the ground.

Lymelife. Three words: Culkin. Culkin. Baldwin.

Cheri. The kind of period piece I could get into.

Here is the link to a film I couldn't find the trailer for. It's called In A Dream and is a documentary about an artist, his family and the demise of his marriage. It looks beautiful.




Random Vandal

I took a little hiatus from blogging in order to get things done for school and celebrate appropriately at BSD on Friday but I am back now and will hopefully return to daily blogging once again.
So...I came across a new site! Random Vandal. The name is pretty self-explanatory but basically it's a blog with photos of random graffiti. I like the idea but instead of posting photos from it I'm posting my own favourite random vandal from a pedestrian bridge downtown. is a piece I did for 3-d Intro. The assignment was to make a sculpture out of a found object and I came across a garbage bin outside the woodshop with a bunch of discarded wood. I took them all home and, after a stressful night of essay writing, glued them together into...whatever this is. I call it Clusterfuck.



I came across an awesome site that lists a ton of different homes, shops, rooms, etc for photographers, directors, artists etc to rent and use for whatever they need.
I clicked around for hours, wishing I could live in these amazing spaces.
Whenever I get bored I tend to rearrange furniture or see what kind of interior design-y type things I can do, generally for free, and this website is just a big bundle of inspiration.
Here's some of my favourite interiors:

Here's the Aispace site. Check it out for tons, tons more rooms.

And here's something I did the other day when I should have been doing a drawing assignment. I pinned up old curtains into my hideous drop-ceiling. I guess they're good for some things!


The Prairie Chicken comes alive at night...

Today in 3-D fundamentals, Ron took us on a little walkabout around the campus to look at all the sculptures that were commissioned around the time of the '88 Olympics. Here's a few of them.

"Rhythm One" - Drahanchuk - 1970.

The figures were sculpted by Ann something...finding out... The arch was designed by Diamond Architects.

Kinetic sculpture park by Katie Ohe.

"The Prairie Chicken" - George Norris.

There's tons, tons more art on campus if you ever want to wander around one lovely summer day and take it all in! But keep your eyes peeled, some of it is a little hidden.


A First

I got the chance to do a silly little political cartoon for BeatRoute and here it is!
I think it's kind of hilarious although the dude on the right is supposed to be Stephen Harper and it doesn't really look like him at all.
Let's just say it's Barack Obama and the love child of Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro?

BeatRoute Magazine