
Movie Madness, Take Two!


Get it? I made a joke...referencing film making?
Anyway, here again are some wonderful trailers of upcoming movies that look simply wonderful. I hope you enjoy them. (NOTE: For some unknown reason, these damn trailers are showing up with a quarter cut off on my computer. If the same goes for yours...take the time to go to youtube and watch them because they really do look great.)

Paper Heart starring Charlyne Li and Michael Cera. I can pretty much say this will be one of my favourite movies of the entire year. Makes me feel all warm even though there's snow on the ground.

Lymelife. Three words: Culkin. Culkin. Baldwin.

Cheri. The kind of period piece I could get into.

Here is the link to a film I couldn't find the trailer for. It's called In A Dream and is a documentary about an artist, his family and the demise of his marriage. It looks beautiful.
