

In high school, Yana and I wrote a rap about a fictional bass player named Tobey. Three years later, we recorded it. Two years later, it's on here.

We rule.

Tobey. Original lyrics by Yana Matusovski and Hayley Muir.

Audition Reel

My job is pretty sweet. I get things like this sent to me.

Alex's Audition Reel



Marc Johns draws cute things

That pretty much sums up artist Marc Johns. Cute. Totally cute. I'm generally not a big fan of doodle-artists BUT...I can't say no to this guy.

I could post more...but it would take all day...and it would be a very long post.
Marc Johns


Harlem - Be Your Baby

Hippies is one of my favourite albums from the last little while. Harlem have created such a wonderful sound...pretty simple and very classic. It's the perfect update to old blues and soul with just enough fuzz and lo-fi to keep it light and fun. Sometimes I forget that, outside of my world, they're not a well-known band...yet. Considering they're on Matador and made their way onto Casual Victim Pile: Austin 2010, I would guess that Harlem have a lot of really big things in their future.
Listen to "Be Your Baby" from Hippies.

Harlem - Be Your Baby



As the semester draws to a close...

So do my projects. I'm hard at work trying to get everything done in preparation for the Open House next week.
The large lighting piece I posted about before is pretty much done. I need to install the actual lights and figure out how to hang it up. If I've learned anything from this project, it's that nothing is as easy as it seems...but hopefully it'll be done tomorrow. Here's a couple shots of it as is.


After this I have one more "perceptual" project to finish...a cement cast of a model sculpted in clay. Hate it, but it must be done.
The last project is...ears. That's all I'll say.

If you're reading this and living in Calgary...feel free to come to the open house next Thursday between 3 and 7. We're on the 6th and 7th floors of the Art Parkade!


Hot Chip - I Feel Better

1. The best video they've ever made. 2. The best video ever made.



The Heavy is coming to Calgary in June. So exciting.

The Heavy - How You Like Me Now


Case Study 22

West Hollywood. 1960
architect: Pierre Koenig. photographs: Julius Shulman

In other news...

totally over Banksy.
Liars - Scissor


Born Ruffians

 New track from Say It by the Born Ruffians. Officially released in June. Enjoy!

Born Ruffians - Sole Brother


Quick Update

Working on a large lighting piece that is kind of an extension of my final project last semester.
Here's the "skeleton" so far. It needs another bar added to the bottom portion (and that little bit cut off) and then I'll stretch fabric over the whole thing. A light cream, medium grey and dark grey.
Stay tuned for the finished product!


My first piece of furniture

I really enjoyed planning and making this piece. Welding was a new experience for me and it was so fun. I'd like to do more furniture in the future and I'd love to see this piece on a really large scale outside a building or something...but that's just a dream. Maybe some day!


Michael Cera is the Coolest Kid

Not to mention...a lucky bugger too. He's in some of the best and most talked about movies of the last 3 years, one of the greatest television shows of all time and seemingly has a group of pretty rad friends. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling like we could have gone to high school together and that's why I like him. He seems pretty down-to-earth, still kind of a loser, but that breed of loser when at some point they become the coolest loser at school. I dig.

Here he is in Islands new video for No You Don't.

Photos...round one

Underwater photography by Bruce Mozertom, 1938. via Bored Bored.

- - - - - -

Square America. I have a thing for vintage photographs and this site has possibly the best online gallery of them I've ever seen.

...I could go on and on


"Organize Bookmarks"

I have over 100 websites in my bookmarks and desperately need to clean it out. I'm going to do that over the next few days and blog probably most of what I find.


The further you delve into the world of graffiti/street art, the more apparent it is that specific styles begin to emerge out of different cities over time. For whatever reason, "Western" graffiti seems to have taken less of an artistic approach over the years. Granted, occasionally you can discover some incredibly imaginative street art in Canada and America but, for the most part, seriously artistic work is left for Europeans.
Case in point...Ukraine:

via Hemmy

London is home to the infamous Banksy, who has managed to shoot street art into a realm never before seen. I mean, who knew Angelina Jolie would be buying up seriously pricey collections from a man who began by stenciling all over London in the dead of night? I might be slightly "over it" now but I can't make a post about street art without a few Banksy works. And, just to keep with the theme of things, these are all found in London, although he did some incredibly socially-conscious (as his work always is) pieces in New Orleans after the hurricane.

via Art of the State

Going back a few years...
Picasso's light graffiti from 1949. This kind of light art is super popular right now but anytime I see a time-lapse photo of bubbles, robots or words created with any kind of bulb or fire, I think of this. Gorgeous in its simplicity and originality at the time, Picasso's light art is overlooked in most surveys of his work. I find it fascinating that even though this is a hard thing to control, his style permeates.

via Wooster Collective

And finally...
I think I've blogged this before but it's still in my bookmarks and fits this post.
The Reverse Graffiti Project

via Daily Motion

That's all for now. 4 down...many more to go.


Last Semester

First off, it was a terrible semester for me, hence the lack of blogs, but I'm forcing myself to be enthusiastic again and post regularly.

Here's my final two sculptures from last semester.

Stay tuned for work this semester and the usual posts. I'm going to get back in the habit of this!
