
If You Could Spend a Day...


With any artist, celebrity, musician or what have you, who would it be?

I choose Michel Gondry - visionary French director of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Science of Sleep, Be Kind, Rewind, Dave Chappelle's Block Party, Tokyo! and a number of music videos. He's insanely talented and I would love to hang out with him for a day...watch him work, help him work, talk about dreams...just get inside his head in general.
I couldn't even begin to post his huge body of work, but here are some of my favourites along with a couple extra treats. Again, if you've got time to spare, watch them. Then go to you tube and watch everything else.

Levi's Commercial.

Radiohead - Knives Out

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind clip

"La Science des RĂªves" (The Science of Sleep) dream sequence

Beck - Deadweight

Oui Oui - Les Cailloux

So, who would you spend a day with? And for this one...it can't be a dead person. Sorry, it's the rules.