These are one of my all time favourite creatures.
They're called nudibranchs (noody-brank) and if that isn't enough to make you love them too then listen to this!
Sea slugs, which these guys technically are but not all sea slugs are as pretty as them, lost their outer shells over the course of evolution because they developed other defense mechanisms. The big one for nudibranchs being their insanely bright colours which warns that they are poisonous or distasteful. When threatened, they release a sour tasting liquid from their skin. Also, these guys are carnivores! They eat algae, sponges, anemones, coral, barnacles and even other nudibranchs! There's also more than 3000 different species, with new ones being discovered every day.
They're amazing. And beautiful. And I want one. I hope you do too.
I think I'll actually do a couple different posts on beautiful sea creatures.