
Last night in Mixed Media/Tonight in Drawing 1...

Blogging on hiatus. Finally feeling like a university student with not enough time.
Back next week, probably, after Beatroute production is done.

Today in Drawing 1...

I can't find my camera charger so no pictures for a while.
We finished our "design a letter" exercise thing...it was interesting...
It was about colour and the relationship between foreground and background space...real heavy stuff...yes? No.
We're starting our next project which is a landscape broken down into basic shapes. I'm looking forward to it because we get to work colour and paint.

In other news...that stupid collage is almost done. I've started a second one just in case I like it more. Inspired by street art, which I'm really into right now.
We'll see...


Today in Mixed Media...

I'm fucking sick of this stupid "found items" collage thing.
I'm sick of looking at it but I don't know what to do with it.
I need to let go and lose control with it.
But I'm not good at that.

On a happy note...I got a kitty.


James and the Giant Peach

Playing around with water colour and ink. It reminds me of James and the Giant Peach.

"Visual Texture" assignment in Mixed Media. Just a couple of the 24 I did.

Charcoal on paper, lifted with a kneadable eraser and then outlined. I kind of love it.
Spray painting fishnets.
Not a great picture but it's basically just a ton of small circles drawn with ink. This took me about four hours to do. Painstaking, but I like it!

Double print of a lino fingerprint I did in high school.

I think this is hilarious. It's two Babybel cheese wrapper smooshed into the paper and painted a bit. I love Babybel.

Oh...you know...blowing ink across the paper with a straw...


Today in Drawing 1...

We did a first round critique on our next assignment, which is to design a letter of the alphabet. Apparently mine (which I don't have a picture of because it's just a template) doesn't look enough like a Y...but I think it does so I won't change it much, if at all. We also took down our old assignment, a charcoal drawing of an out of focus image projected onto a screen, and put up the "4x4" assignment.

Out of focus charcoal drawing. I quite like it.

4 by 4. First one is breaking the objects down into simple, clean geometric shapes. Not pretty, but interesting. Second one is a graphite drawing that I'm really proud of. Third is charcoal. I decided to cross-hatch the majority of it which was fun. I'd never used cross-hatching with charcoal so it was something new. The fourth one is a very quick painting done with India ink and white conte drawn over top. Overall I'm really pleased with the result.
(Not a very good quality photograph)


Today in Mixed Media...

We focussed on line drawings, particularly gesture and contour.

60 second gesture drawing of some jug the prof brought in.

30 second gesture from memory of an orchid, which is one of my favourite flowers. Explains why I have four of them. I like to do fast gesture drawings a lot.

3 minute gesture of some makeup tools. The perspective is a bit off on the eyelash curler but other than that I was really happy with this.

Contour drawing of my hand in three sizes overlapped. Initially, I drew my hand quite small and it didn't look very interesting at all so I drew it larger and then larger again and I'm happy with the result.

Blind contours. They're one of my favourite things to do, which was shocking to the rest of the class. I think they're always interesting and a challenge for me seeing as I am quite impatient and the slower you draw the better it looks. Everyone was so upset that their drawings looked nothing like their hand...but I just figure that means you did a good job.

Experimenting at the end of the class with carbon transfer paper. Fun. It's Monopoly time at Mc D's!


Silly, quick sketch of some talking plants and Nicotiana (tobacco plant). Unfortunately, mine has died now. It's technically an outdoor annual and I kept it indoors for as long as I could, which was about two months longer than the greenhouse manager told me it would last. Thumbs up!


During Museum and Heritage studies class one day I was very hungry and the prof was explaining corrosion..."It's basically when something eats away at something else." As if you need an explanation...

Sketches and Scribbles

Just a few random things from my current sketchbook.

Quick sketches of gourds done in 2D Art Fundamentals.

More gourds. I like to call this "Total Eclipse of the Gourd"

Peace Lily still life drawing for my application portfolio.

Quick figure sketch for my application portfolio.

Above three were quick sketches done on a solitary day trip to the Rocky Mountains.

A Few Things From the Past

I dug out some work I did in High School.

Simple print done to waste a class.

Mixed media on particle board. In retrospect, I wish I had not included the face on the left...and possibly even the figure in the foreground.

Mixed media collage. I initially meant to do a three part series with this. It started with biology class and my interest in the stages and purpose of cells. This piece would have been the first in the series, depicting birth and DNA. Maybe one of these days I'll make the other two.

This is actually a large wooden box and initially I was inspired by Alice in Wonderland but in the end the only section of the box that really relates is the one on the left.

All in all, I like these pieces more than I did when I made them, which isn't all that surprising considering they were created more than five years ago when I hated everything.