
A Few Things From the Past


I dug out some work I did in High School.

Simple print done to waste a class.

Mixed media on particle board. In retrospect, I wish I had not included the face on the left...and possibly even the figure in the foreground.

Mixed media collage. I initially meant to do a three part series with this. It started with biology class and my interest in the stages and purpose of cells. This piece would have been the first in the series, depicting birth and DNA. Maybe one of these days I'll make the other two.

This is actually a large wooden box and initially I was inspired by Alice in Wonderland but in the end the only section of the box that really relates is the one on the left.

All in all, I like these pieces more than I did when I made them, which isn't all that surprising considering they were created more than five years ago when I hated everything.